Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Internet Research Assignment 1

As I review my IT648 Telecommunication blog, it occurs to me that I had forgot to write a blog on the first assignment, Internet Research. I love to do research, therefore, this was a very enjoyable assignment. This topic should be taught, repeatedly to students. Students need to understand how to evaluate websites. Also, they need to understand that everything that is posted on the web is not the truth. As students use the internet for more academic reasons, they need to understand how to research for the purpose of each assignment.

The internet is a wonderful place to research and learn from. The internet is also a place that needs to have students to be safe and caution about predators, bullying, and stealing indentities. After students learn to practice safe surfing they will find out that the information from the internet will expand their knowledge.

Everyday, I use the internet to learn something new. It is immensly valuable to have the internet at your fingertips. Earlier this summer, I say a snake in the yard, I looked on the internet to identify what kind of snake it was http://www.phsource.us/PH/ME/Snakes/index.html . My daughter has a pregnant sorority sister who was craving a Butternut Squash Recipe that I had made for the girls about 18 months ago. I could not remember the recipe but had got if from the "Barefoot Contessa" cooking show on the Food Channel. I went to the Food Channel website and found the recipe from their archives. Here is the recipe, it is simple yet tasty http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,,FOOD_9936_25285,00.html.
I also use the internet for academic searches using google scholar for many of my science class articles http://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en&tab=ws. Finally, I am from a medium size town on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. When I get homesick, I logon to my local newspaper to see what new and what's happening ( http://www.observer-reporter.com/ ).

How did we do without all of this knowledge. In my hous we are technology savy. Two years ago, for a family christmas gift, my husband purchased wireless satelite service for everyone. So, we can all be connected at once and in different rooms without waiting in line for a turn at the internet. This was such a great gift. This morning, as I was outside creating my video conferencing email, my hubby was faxing information to my son in Tennessee.

I try to learn something new or find an answer to a new question, at least once a day.

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